Meditation has been associated with ascetics, bitter tea, and esoteric utterings, but executives and information workers, too?  Under every skin color, meditators relax the body, calm the mind, and slow their aging... all for free.  Don't waste your breath if you think it's too good to be true.  Take a deep breath, sit down and relax.  Wherever we go, we can all percolate with the same energy enjoyed by Gandhi, Buddha, and San Francisco's tech guru Marc Benioff.

Hardworking professionals (and cave dwellers) can be inclined to ignore their health and relationships.  But just sitting and breathing improves the mind, body, and relationships.  Let's look closer at some benefits.

Reduce Stress- We release stress hormones and lower inflammation by calming the mind.

Acuity and Concentration- Meditating builds discipline around focus and attention so we perform better at work.

Awareness & Authenticity- Reflection during Meditation helps us better understand thoughts, actions, and emotions.  We see and understand sooner with less judgment.

Emotional Health- As anxiety ebbs away, awareness and understanding rise.  By building emotional stability, we cultivate a more positive outlook.

Creativity- It's easier for a quiet mind to float and fly in subtle realms.  Creativity and innovative thinking can emerge.  The quiet mind born of meditation helps us notice and nourish ideas.

Better Sleep-  Meditating on a regular schedule quells anxiety, calms the mind, and relaxes the body which prepares us for high-quality sleep.

Pain Management- Meditation can change our mental and physiological relationship with chronic pain.  Becoming expert with our breath and our thoughts helps us live with more dignity.  Quietly observing helps us see and optimize reactionary habits around thought and action.

Blood Pressure- Slowing down daily and ritualistically breathing can improve blood pressure and lessen the hazards of hypertension... even without 'thinking.'

Better Relationships- We build empathy, compassion, and emotional stability as we meditate.  This goes both ways.  As we treat ourselves with more kindness and understanding, we also treat others with more kindness.  We cultivate and enjoy kindness all around, and our relationships improve.

It's simple and free, and meditation travels well.  Do yourself a favor.  Do the world a favor and breathe well.  Smoother skin, sharper mind, and healthier body.  Expert meditators counsel 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the late afternoon.  Even 2 minutes makes a difference.  Try it!


Expertise kindly given by Paul Brown.  Take a look at

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